August 2018 Forecast: Two steps sideways, one step back ⇒new perspective ⇒ new plan of action!
Big Picture
What’s the value of adding confusion to confusion? More fusion! That’s what we get with 6 planets retrograde this month. It’s a (fortunately) rare occurrence, signaling that we’re in a major period of reset, which will not become clear for months. So what do we do? We focus on the two retro planets we can work with, namely Mars and Mercury. Mars is in retrograde until Aug. 27, and Mercury goes direct on Aug. 19.
Mars is where we need to actively and artfully choose, separating the essential from the non-essential. In astrology Mars speaks to the immune system, our capacity to ‘throw off’ illness. In times of stress, that means redirecting our energy into activities that productively support our larger goals and well-being. The key question to ask with Mars retro is: are your actions helping you advance your goals, or just churning with frustration? And if you find that your zest for life seems to be gone this month, check to see whether there’s any un-claimed anger or frustration that’s worth looking at from a different perspective. Mars is linked in astrology with surgery and knives, which emphasizes how important it is to use Mars skillfully!
And what about Mercury retrograde in the sign of Leo? It’s easy to get enamored with image issues in Leo, but the deeper quest of Mercury is to make new connections. Mercury is also the god who can travel between worlds, negotiating Hades as well as messy Earth and the Heavens. Mercury in retrograde suggests that the true Leo gold won’t be found in shiny coins but in much less obvious places.
Key Takeaways
· If you want a great way to optimize your Mars and Mercury retrograde experience, swear off all complaining and train yourself to look for new opportunities with any and all unexpected derailments and delays. The pay off comes in September and October when we get lots of momentum; if you’ve already shifted gears, you’ll be in great shape.
· Venus spends most of August in her home turf of Libra, making this the perfect time to repair and nourish any relationships that got short shrift in previous weeks, paying homage to fairness, balance, and beauty.
· With Mars, Saturn, and Uranus all talking to each other this month there’s plenty of energy to restructure resources and try new things. Many won’t work in the short run but may give valuable information for later attempts in the year. Think FDR and the New Deal, lots of innovations without huge attachment to outcome. This is an experimental period; hold the cement pouring for September and October unless you’re really sure…
August Highlights
Aug. 6: Venus enters Libra and holds court all month, inviting us to bring a respect for beauty and form into our social interactions. This means we don’t act like social jerks, which also means we stop telling social jerks how they appear but instead set a better example. [Venus enters Libra.]
Aug. 7: We’ve had just a taste of Uranus in Taurus (much more to come on that) but enough to know that our sense of values, beauty, and commerce are all up for a rockin’ change over the next 7 years. Now through March, Uranus goes retrograde, hanging out between Aries and Taurus. Wherever you have Taurus in your chart, the pot is cooking but not yet boiling over. [Uranus stations Rx at 2 degrees Taurus.]
Aug. 9-10: This is a great time to set a boundary or get clear about some responsibility or relationship. Venus and Saturn are secret friends, because trust is essential for working relationships. This is an inner dialogue, so check any desire to assign blame. [Venus square Saturn.]
Aug. 11: Today’s Leo solar eclipse (energizes us to take new steps towards the future and away from habitual patterns. The challenge with Leo is often to forego leading with our ego, and instead locating how our personal goals related to the larger collective. [Solar eclipse at 18 degrees Leo.]
Aug. 12: For the rest of the month, Mars joins Pluto and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn; politicians tend to make power grabs under this signature but in our individual lives, it’s a great time to shore up our foundations (physical, financial, and psychological). [Mars enters Capricorn, retrograde.]
Aug. 19: Excellent time for launching or announcing business, creative and personal endeavors and working on them the rest of the month. [Mercury goes Direct at 11 degrees Leo, sextile Venus in Libra; Jupiter trines Neptune.]
Aug. 26: Full moon in Pisces; not only imaginative but a great time to make changes for the better. [Full Moon in Pisces at 3 degrees; Saturn trine Uranus.]
Aug. 27: Mars goes direct, and spends the next 6 weeks going over the same part of the zodiac he’s already traversed twice since May. Now is the time to go full speed ahead. [Mars goes direct at 28 degrees Capricorn.]